Foster Ethical RESILIENCE in SME


Concepts & Tools curated to Empower you

As you elevate your SME's ethical standards, and navigate the systematic and unsystematic risks, Sylvr captures the principles that work for like minded Executives

Get the Guide


This guide for SME Decision Makers, analytical Internal Accountants, Virtual CFOs, and aspiring External Auditors covers:

  • Importance of Ethical standards in today's business world,
  • Confronting pressures to compromise internal controls,
  • Using regular audits to build an ethical culture,
  • Role of ethical leadership in SMEs and more

so that you can lay a credible foundation of strong ethics for confident growth.


Practicing Chartered Accountant

Shefali Kiran

"Brief and to the point. Holistic reference for anyone looking to improve SME's ethics and governance systems."


Heading Module -CTA Title

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