Empower, Drive Growth, Lead

Grow your SME with smarter Decisions, and joy of confidence

Powerful Platform, Practical Insights-No Joke!

Empower talent, Drive SME's growth, and enjoy the lead

Your accounting software tracks numbers, but SYLVR translates them into actionable insights. Because growth should be a joy, not a chore. Turn skepticism into success with insights that drive real growth. We keep it simple so you can focus on what matters – like perfecting your office joke repertoire.

"Isn't deep industry analysis useful for large companies only? I’m not sure this will benefit my specific business."

Specific decision-making improvements that put SMEs in charge

One size fits all? Not here. Benefit from trends and observations across SMEs from your industry. Whether manufacturing, logistics or wholesale trade, it's a powerful tool for SMEs to understand their value chain, situation and grow. Think of it as your business's personal GPS.


"I lack time for diving into industry data, and certainly don't have weeks to see any benefits, like other tools"

Adds value in minutes. Helps prioritize & save your Time 

Value shouldn’t take ages to realize. Time is money, and our platform helps you save both. Busy leaders get up and running quickly, with our intuitive design providing actionable insights. Spend less time sifting through data and more time doing what you do best – leading your business.

"Complex BI tools make data-driven decisions tougher. Can this really help me stay ahead of the competition?"

Make strategic moves knowing Industry direction

Fact: Roughly 65% Businesses shutdown within 10 years. SMEs are in a marathon. Outmaneuver your competition's position and pace, by knowing your relative strengths and areas of improvement. Think of us as your personal trainer - without the yelling, and play the game well.


"Don't most strategies fail in execution?"

Partner up, collaborate well and stay Compliant

Map business relations, and explore synergies with value chain players. Ease collaboration on initiatives to achieve your Objectives and improve performance Metrics. Never let a regulatory deadline slip, ensuring healthy visibility in network. Team will say 'Yay, paperwork!'

Financial Models application

Stakeholders, Objectives, Criteria & Assumptions across Business Contexts

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Decision making template

A strategic sense-making and performance improvement template for SMEs

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Step by step Guide

Steer Sustainable Performance in SME

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Informative Blog

Build Resilience for Business Goals with sound Financial analysis

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