Apparel, Furnishing and special textiles

Men's, Women's and Children's Apparel, Clothing Accessories, Furnishings and specialized textile products
Source: 2016-23 Annual Reports of 8 SMEs


Topline: Sales & Distribution

Sales recorded fall of (0.1%) CAGR over 6 years

. Margin remained negative, Trade Receivables grew, Average Inventory grew bit faster but Equity funds exitting rapidly.

Bottomline: Production, Operations & HR

Employee Benefit Expenses fell, Material Expenses fell, Trade Payables ballooned. Return on Assets remained negative as depreciated Property, Plant and Equipment was substituted by Right of Use & Investment properties and partly replenished by progress on nearly INR 19 Cr of Capital Works in these six years.

Financing with Internal & External Funds

WC Ratio increased Working Capital ballooned faster mainly due to spike in current financial assets. Cash Conversion Cycle shortened with longer DPO. Interest Coverage is absent and Interest Expenses grew. Both Long term and Short term borrowings reduced and overall debt fell SMEs liquidated Equity funds faster than Sales


Sales & Distribution

These 8 SMEs aggregate metrics linked to Sales, Distribution were:

  FY 23 FY 21 FY 17
Sales Cr 865 431 871
- RoE (127%) (905%) (23%)
PBIT (47) (172) (79)
- Margin (5.43%) (39.9%) (9.07%)
Trade Receivables 176 160 145
- Days Receivables Outstanding 73 125 69 (FY 18)
Avg Inventory 277 262 272 (FY 18)
- Days Inventory Outstanding 225 343 220 (FY 18)
  • Sales recorded fall of (0.1%) CAGR over 6 years
  • Margin remained negative at (5.39%), from (39.9%) and (9.07%)
  • Trade Receivables grew at 3.3%
  • Average Inventory grew at 0.37% CAGR over 5 years
  • Return on Equity fell





Production, Operations & HR

These 8 SMEs aggregate metrics linked to Production, Operations & HR were:

EXPENSE in Cr FY 23 FY 21 FY 17
Employees 126 101 138
- % of Sales 14.57% 23.43%


Materials 450 279 474
- % of Sales 52.02% 64.73% 54.42%
Trade Payables 166.5 189 131
- Days Payables Outstanding 142 128 115 (FY 18)
T Assets 255 252 241
Int Assets 71 71 129
- RoA (14.42%) (53.3%) (21.35%)
  • Employee Benefit Expenses fell at (1.5%) CAGR over 6 years
  • Material Expenses fell at (0.86%) CAGR over 6 years
  • Trade Payables ballooned growing at 4.1% CAGR over 6 years
  • Return on Assets remained negative
  • Progress on over INR 19 Cr of Capital Works since 2016-17 replenished depreciated Property, Plant and Equipment. Intangible Assets dwindled 






These 8 SMEs aggregate metrics regarding Funds generated internally or sourced externally were:

Internal Funds

  FY 23 FY 21 FY 17
Working Capital 810 658 534
- WC Ratio 3.28 1.55 1.75
- Cash Coversion Days 156 340 174 (FY 18)
Current Fin Assets 71 37 38
Non-current Fin Assets 86 57 113
Interest 72 71 54
Interest Coverage  NA NA NA
  • WC Ratio increased and Working Capital ballooned faster than Sales at 7.19% CAGR over 6 years mainly due to spike in current financial assets in investment, cash and cash equivalents
  • Cash Conversion Cycle shortened mainly by longer DPO
  • Interest Coverage is absent and Interest Expenses grew at 4.9% CAGR over 6 years



External Funds

  FY 23 FY 21 FY 17
Debt 219 239 318.5
Equity 37 19 347
  • Both Long term and Short term borrowings reduced and overall debt fell at (6.05%)
  • Equity funds exitted at (31.14%) CAGR



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