Industrial Machinery & Components

Farm, construction, mining and factory machinery, Conveyors, hoists, cranes, Pumps, Bearings, Compressors, Pistons, Rings, Cylinders, etc.
Source: 2016-23 Annual Reports of 17 SMEs


Topline: Sales & Distribution

Sales grew at 7.4% CAGR over 6 years. PBIT grew much faster, Margin improved, Trade Receivables growth was controlled, Average Inventory growth kept pace with Sales. Return on Equity is healthier despite Equity funds added faster than Sales.

Bottomline: Production, Operations & HR

Employee Benefit Expenses were controlled, Material Expenses grew faster, Trade Payables were settled faster. Return on Assets grew as Property, Plant and Equipment grew gradually, with progress on over INR 50 Cr of Capital Works and INR 15 Cr of Intangible Assets in these six years.

Financing with Internal & External Funds

WC Ratio increased Working Capital grew much faster mainly due to faster Supplier settlement and spike in financial assets in investment. Cash Conversion Cycle grew longer. Interest Coverage improved and Interest Expenses were controlled. Short term borrowings reduced but Long term borrowings grew and overall debt was very controlled SMEs infused Equity funds faster than Sales


Sales & Distribution

These 17 SMEs aggregate Sales, PBIT and Margin were:

  FY 23 FY 21 FY 17
Sales Cr 1,570 1,112 1,021
- RoE 16.85% 1.71 15.9%
PBIT 136 68 73
- Margin 8.66% 6.12% 7.15%
Trade Receivables 313 287 223
- Days Receivables Outstanding 78 84 78 (FY 18)
Avg Inventory 290 236 189 (FY 18)
- Days Inventory Outstanding 133 155 131 (FY 18)
  • Sales recorded 7.4% CAGR over 6 years
  • PBIT grew much faster than Sales at 10.9% CAGR over 6 years
  • Margin improved to 8.66%, from 6.12% and 7.15%
  • Trade Receivables growth was controlled at 5.8%
  • Average Inventory kept pace with Sales at 7.4% CAGR over 5 years
  • Return on Equity is healthier





Production, Operations & HR

These 17 SMEs aggregate Materials, Employees and Interest Expenses were:

EXPENSE in Cr FY 23 FY 21 FY 17
Employees 208 183 179
- % of Sales 13.25% 16.46%


Materials 797 553.5 472
- % of Sales 50.76% 49.78% 46.23%
Trade Payables 202 195.5 136
- Days Payables Outstanding 92 117 99 (FY 18)
T Assets 554 560 495
Int Assets 16 14.5 14
- RoA 23.86% 11.84% 14.34%
  • Employee Benefit Expenses were controlled at 2.5% CAGR over 6 years
  • Material Expenses grew faster than Sales at 9.12% CAGR over 6 years
  • Trade Payables were settled faster growing at 6.8% CAGR over 6 years
  • Return on Assets grew
  • Progress on over INR 50 Cr of Capital Works, and INR 15 Cr of Intangible Assets since 20116-17 






Internal Funds

These 17 SMEs aggregate Working Capital and Average Inventory were:

  FY 23 FY 21 FY 17
Working Capital 1,041 816 517.5
- WC Ratio 3.1 2.8 2.1
- Cash Coversion Days 119 122 110 (FY 18)
Current Fin Assets 134 83 64.5
Non-current Fin Assets 93 57 42
Interest 35 27 26
Interest Coverage  3.89 2.52 2.81
  • WC Ratio increased and Working Capital grew much faster than Sales at 12.35% CAGR over 6 years mainly due to faster Supplier settlement and spike in financial assets in investment
  • Cash Conversion cycle grew longer
  • Interest Coverage improved and Interest Expenses were controlled at 5.1% CAGR over 6 years



External Funds

These 17 SMEs aggregate Trade Receivables, Trade Payables and Cash Conversion Cycle were:

  FY 23 FY 21 FY 17
Debt 324 302 330
Equity 807 649 459
  • Short term borrowings reduced but Long term borrowings grew and overall debt was very controlled
  • Equity funds added faster than Sales at 12.54%



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