Paper, Packaging and allied products

Paperboard, Corrugated and Solid fiberboard boxes, Sanitary food containers, paper bags, Stationery products, laminated, coated, etc.
Source: 2016-23 Annual Reports of 19 SMEs


Topline: Sales & Distribution

Sales grew at 4.4% CAGR over 6 years

. Margin turned negative, Trade Receivables grew under control, Average Inventory grew faster, Return on Equity fell but Equity funds infused faster.

Bottomline: Production, Operations & HR

Employee Benefit Expenses grew bit faster, Material Expenses grew much faster, Trade Payables fell. Return on Assets turned negative as Property, Plant and Equipment was grown by progress on over INR 250 Cr of Capital Works in these six years.

Financing with Internal & External Funds

WC Ratio increased, Working Capital grew bit faster mainly due to spike in average inventory and current financial assets. Cash Conversion Cycle moderately longer with shorter DPO. Interest Coverage is absent and Interest Expenses grew bit slower. Both Long term and Short term borrowings grew and SMEs infused Equity funds faster than Sales


Sales & Distribution

These 19 SMEs aggregate metrics linked to Sales, Distribution were:

  FY 23 FY 21 FY 17
Sales Cr 2,500 1,808 1,931
- RoE (1.86%) 8.04% 5.79%
PBIT (16) 61 36
- Margin (0.64%) 3.37% 1.86%
Trade Receivables 386 395 341
- Days Receivables Outstanding 58 76 68 (FY 18)
Avg Inventory 450 386 332 (FY 18)
- Days Inventory Outstanding 105 132 109 (FY 18)
  • Sales grew at 4.4% CAGR over 6 years
  • Margin turned negative to (0.64%), from 3.37% and 1.86%
  • Trade Receivables grew under control at 2.1%
  • Average Inventory grew faster at 6.27% CAGR over 5 years
  • Return on Equity fell





Production, Operations & HR

These 19 SMEs aggregate metrics linked to Production, Operations & HR were:

EXPENSE in Cr FY 23 FY 21 FY 17
Employees 182 161 137
- % of Sales 7.28% 8.91%


Materials 1,566 1,066 1,107
- % of Sales 62.64% 58.96% 57.33%
Trade Payables 223 279 240
- Days Payables Outstanding 53 93.5 76 (FY 18)
T Assets 1,056 818 806
Int Assets 0.5 0.8 1.6
- RoA (1.51%) 7.45% 4.45%
  • Employee Benefit Expenses grew bit faster at 4.85% CAGR over 6 years
  • Material Expenses grew much faster at 5.95% CAGR over 6 years
  • Trade Payables fell at (1.22%) CAGR over 6 years
  • Return on Assets turned negative
  • Progress on over INR 215 Cr of Capital Works since 2016-17 increased Property, Plant and Equipment. Intangible Assets dwindled






These 19 SMEs aggregate metrics regarding Funds generated internally or sourced externally were:

Internal Funds

  FY 23 FY 21 FY 17
Working Capital 1,447 1,276 990
- WC Ratio 2.71 2.57 2.56
- Cash Coversion Days 110 114.5 101 (FY 18)
Current Fin Assets 228 205 115
Non-current Fin Assets 40 51 60
Interest 70 57 63
Interest Coverage  NA 1.07 0.57
  • WC Ratio increased and Working Capital ballooned faster than Sales at 6.53% CAGR over 6 years mainly due to spike in average inventory and current financial assets
  • Cash Conversion Cycle moderately longer mainly by faster supplier payments
  • Interest Coverage is absent and Interest Expenses grew bit slower at 1.77% CAGR over 6 years




External Funds

  FY 23 FY 21 FY 17
Debt 1,122.2 742.3 607.3
Equity 859.7 758.5 621.5
  • Both Long term and Short term borrowings grew at 11.3% and 10.03%
  • Equity funds infused faster at 5.56% CAGR



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