Fabricated Metals

Products include Fabricated structural metals, hand tools, bolts, nuts, Nonferrous, Iron and Steel forgings, stampings, valves, pipes, plumbing fittings, ammunition, ordnance, etc.
Source: 2016-23 Annual Reports of 19 SMEs


Topline: Sales & Distribution

Sales grew at 8.4% CAGR over 6 years. PBIT grew much faster, Margin improved. Trade Receivables growth was well controlled. Average Inventory growth was controlled. Return on Equity moderated.

Bottomline: Production, Operations & HR

Employee Benefit Expenses grew slightly faster. Material Expenses grew much faster. Trade Payables growth was very controlled. Investment Properties and Property, Plant and Equipment dwindledRight of Use Assets and Intangible Assets grew marginally.

Financing with Internal & External Funds

SMEs Reduced both long term and short term Borrowings. SMEs infused Equity capital slightly faster. WC Ratio improved and Working Capital grew much faster. Interest Coverage improved and Interest Expenses fell. Cash Conversion Cycle is longer. Current Financial Assets grew much faster.


Sales & Distribution

These 19 SMEs aggregate metrics linked to Sales, Distribution were:

  FY 23 FY 21 FY 17
Sales Cr 2,434 1,436 1,503
- RoE 12.12% 4.46% 7.59%
PBIT Cr 121 37 45
- Margin 4.9% 2.6% 3%
Trade Receivables Cr 393 358 292
- Days Sales Outstanding 55.5 87 67.5 (FY 18)
Avg Inventory Cr 472 201

327 (FY 18)

Days Inv Outstanding 120 97

128 (FY 18)

  • Sales recorded 8.4% CAGR over 6 years
  • PBIT grew much faster than Sales at 17.9% CAGR over 6 years
  • Margin improved to 4.9%, from 2.6% and 3%
  • Trade Receivables growth was well controlled at 5.07% CAGR over 6 years
  • Average Inventory growth was controlled at 7.6% CAGR over 5 years
  • Return on Equity has appreciated





Production, Operations & HR

These 19 SMEs aggregate metrics linked to Production, Operations & HR were:

Employees Cr 273 201


- % of Sales 11.2% 14% 10.8%
Materials Cr 1,441 755 760
- % of Sales 59.2% 52.6% 50.5%
Trade Payables Cr 321 208


Days Payables Outstanding 76 124

112 (FY 18)

  • Material Expenses grew much faster than Sales at 11.25% CAGR over 6 years
  • Employee Benefit Expenses grew slightly faster than Sales at 9.1% CAGR over 6 years
  • Interest Coverage improved and Interest Expenses fell at -3.8% CAGR over 6 years
  • Trade Payables growth was very controlled at 4.0% CAGR over 6 years
  • Investment Properties and Property, Plant and Equipment dwindled at 1% CAGR over 6 years
  • Right of Use Assets and Intangible Assets grew marginally





Internal Funds

These 19 SMEs aggregate Working Capital and Average Inventory were:

  FY 23 FY 21 FY 17
Working Cap Cr 1,507 1,112 770
- WC Ratio 2.93 2.63 1.98
- Cash Conversion Cycle 99.5 60

83.5 (FY 18)

Interest Cr 50 40 63
- Int Coverage 2.42 0.925 0.714
  • WC Ratio improved and Working Capital grew much faster than Sales at 11.84% CAGR over 6 years
  • Average Inventory growth was controlled at 7.6% CAGR over 5 years
  • Current Financial Assets grew much faster than Sales at 13.9% CAGR over 6 years
  • Noncurrent financial assets grew slower at 6.3% CAGR over 6 years 
  • Cash Conversion Cycle is longer


External Funds

These 19 SMEs aggregate Trade Receivables, Trade Payables and Cash Conversion Cycle were:

  • Infused Equity capital slightly faster than Sales at 9.1% CAGR over 6 years
  • Reduced both long term and short term Borrowings at -6.9%  and -0.6% CAGR over 6 years


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